Just an idea for the show. Displaying the newspapers on a newspaper stand and designing a poster to fit in the wire front. £135 from Trade Wind or the possibility of borrowing one from the Evening Standard? There will probably be quite a number of newspapers so they'll probably be placed around the stand in batches...
hi charlie have you seen bags made from newspapers? I saw one the other day and thought of you. They are really popular in India for carrying fruit, like sainsburys bags for life, accept Im not sure what they do when its monsoon season! Like the stand, though how will this show all of the uses of each paper, i think they should all be on display somehow, though this might be tricky having so many!
Good stuff...don't wotty too much about show display at this point...although I do like the 'stand' idea...sure together we can come up with something even more quirky.
How do you envisge printing the newspapers...I assuem you would prefer multiple copies to show and distribute?
I am getting quotes through as we speak. Not all great though as some printing press's are quoting £5000. I've still got a few to hear back from. I'm hoping to get it down to a £1000, but i may have to reduce the pages from 80 to 60. I'm still unsure how im going to create the glossy back cover (representing the blog). It maybe a case of printing it seperatly and slipping it in the back. I definatly want multiple copies although i don't think this will be a problem as they all print in big batches!! Will update you when i hear more.
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