For the show i will present the newspapers in a newspaper delivery bag and get someone (possibly a second yr) to hand them out to the people!
I've found a company that will do it, and for not very much money! The main man is calling me tomorrow to disscuss it, but it won't take too long to make and i will hopefully be able to have it in one of the show colours with the name of the newspaper on the front!
Bag great...
...liking the second from left, yellowish/green one! GTS
Hi, after our chat his afteroon, came across this site:
which lists every newspaper title in the world...perhaps you could extract some adjectives and add them together?
Ah yeh brill, will have a look.
I always wanted to be a paperboy!!! Excellent stuff Charlie, got to hand it to you, you've reinvented the meaning of the newspaper and its looking proper exciting, can't wait to get the ink on my hands!
Thats a really good idea that steps out of the box.
You were originaly talking about having a newspaper stand at the show, which was also good but I think this is much better.
hi charlie, if you can, please send be better resolution images of your latest work.
I love the the bags idea! :)
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