Here's an example of a couple of spreads so far, obviously not quite finished yet! I've done the basic layout (similar to these) of 52 out of 60 spreads.
Repro Press, presenting newsprint as a significant and relevant print medium in the translation of text and images and in it's second life as recycling material.
Wow, Charlie, you've done 52 out of 60? Thats great progress! I like the fact that you have put like the 'instructions' with pictures of how to make that object out of the newspaper. It makes sense and adds a nice touch to the spread too!
Thanks mary! Wen i say i've done 52, thats basic layout i've wacked down still got front/back cover to do and the fiddly bits-i've basically done the easy bits-AHHH!!!! Love what you're doing, so refreshing to look at after doing spreads all day long (not that im not enjoying it, cos i am)!!
Ohhh Chaz i loooove this project. I want to hold the newspaper NOW. I WANT ONE NOW
Looking good... you're clearly getting stuck in to this one!
One passing thought I had is that, though this is a newspaper and you're clearly going in with the monochrome look plus clean cut grids, the headline type may be a touch too far on the conservative side. Has anyone else mentioned that or is it just me?
yeh, i'm experimenting at the mo with type. Thanks for bringing it up Aleister, if anyone has any suggestions that would be good as this is an area im not so confident in!
hey charlie its looking great, i really like the balance of the newspaper style page and the frost page. just one question, what's all the copy going to be? is there scope to get other people to write stuff, or find interesting stuff on random blogs?
All copy related to newspapers!Mainly news articles about newspapers dying out and the take over of the internet along with my dissertation and information about the different uses of the newspaper!!!
Charlie!! Its looking great, it's such a nice idea. I just realized that one of the uses is as toilet paper...!!!!!!!!!!!!! how can that be possible :o!
Anyways, maybe you could try putting the heading type in a low caps, thin type. I keep thinking about lubalin graphic, but you are just going to have to keep trying all that you can. Lubalin is nice beause it has these cute serifs, but stays rounded and thin. Check it out!
Hi Charlie...need to see a sample page or two asap, great ideas but your type too severe? I think you should perhaps tune in to a more editorial type style rather than echo trad/retro Times newspaper aesthetic?
****Feature in todays Metro, May 21 on recycling newsprint as a green issue. Running a competition, prize £1,500 for best new ideas on recycling newsprint...its your project!
Visit: www.metrorecreate.co.uk
I will put up more examples today. I am experimenting with type as we speak but am deffinatly not an expert when it comes to typography. Would like to organise a time to meet up this week to show you examples.
I saw that feature in the Metro too! Will look into it!
Thanks, Charlie.
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